
특정 회원에 대한 반말,욕설 글(운영원칙 2,3항) 3회 위반시 접근 차단 조치 됩니다.(원인제공과 관계없이 조치)
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작성일 : 13-05-13 13:17
워싱톤의 성범죄 형량에 관한 자료
 글쓴이 : Nephilim
조회 : 951  

물론 검사가 기소 할 나름이겠지만,나름 걸릴만 한데다가 색깔칠좀 했슴.

시간 나시는 분들 읽어 보시기를 저도 읽는중..

Sexual Abuse

The D.C. Code defines “sexual act” as:  (1) the penetration, however slight, of the anus or vulva of another by a penis, (2) contact between the mouth and the penis, the mouth and the vulva, or the mouth and the anus, or (3) the penetration, however, slight, of the anus or vulva by a hand or finger or by any object, with intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.

“Sexual contact” is defined as the “touching with any clothed or unclothed body part or any object, either directly or indirectly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade, or arouse or gratify the sexual desire of another person.”  D.C. Criminal Code 22-3001.

First Degree Sexual Abuse

There are two elements to the crime of 1st degree sexual abuse in Washington, D.C.  The first element is the requirement that the person either engage another person in a sexual act or cause the other person to engage in or submit to a sexual act.  This element is pretty self-explanatory.

The second element addresses the means by which the sexual act is committed.  It could be by using actual force against the other person.  It could be by threatening the person or by putting the other person in reasonable fear that if the person does submit, another person would be subjected to death, bodily injury or kidnapping.  This would cover, for example, threats that a family member could be seriously injured if the person did not submit.  Finally, covering the so-called crime of “date rape,” it could be by rendering the other person unconscious or by administering to that person – either by force or without the person’s knowledge — some type of intoxicant that would substantially impair the people’s ability to appraise or control his/her conduct.


A person found guilty of first degree sexual abuse in D.C. can fined up to $250,000 and sentenced to up to 30 years imprisonment.  If the prosecution can prove certain aggravating circumstances (for example, that the victim sustained serious bodily injury as a result for the office), the defendant can be given a life sentence.  D.C. Criminal Code 22-2002; D.C. Criminal Code 22-3020.

Second Degree Sexual Abuse

The first element of 2nd Degree Sexual Abuse in Washington, DC is identical to the first element of 1stDegree Sexual Abuse; namely, that the offender either engages another person in a sexual act or causes the other person to engage in or submit to a sexual act.

Where the two offenses differ is with respect to the second element.  Specifically, a finding of second degree sexual abuse requires the prosecution to prove that the offender threatened or put the other person in reasonable fear or that the offender knew or should have known that the other person was incapable of either appraising the nature of the conduct, declining participation in the sexual act, or communicating an unwillingness to engage in the act.

The difference between 1st and 2nd degree sexual abuse with respect to this last element is that, in 1st degree, the offender needs to have actually participated in rendering the person unconscious.  In 2nd degree sexual abuse, the offender need merely to have taken advantage of a person who is already unconscious.

The penalty for a person convicted of 2nd degree sexual abuse is a maximum fine of $200,000 and imprisonment for up to 20 years.  D.C. Criminal Code 22-3003.

Third Degree/Fourth Degree Sexual Abuse

While the 1st and 2nd degree offenses address a sexual act (penetration, for example), sexual abuse of the 3rd and 4th degrees address sexual contact (for example, inappropriate touching).  The difference between the 3rd and 4th degree offenses is then the same as the difference between the 1st and 2nd degrees.  That is, 3rd degree involves actual force, threats putting the person in fear of death, bodily injury or kidnapping, or rendering the person unconscious.  The 4th degree offense involves reasonable fear of any type of injury(?) or a victim who is already unconscious.

The penalty for someone convicted of 3rd degree sexual abuse is a maximum fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years imprisonment.  The penalty for 4th degree sexual abuse is a maximum fine of $50,000 and a maximum sentence of 5 years.  D.C. Criminal Code 22-3004; D.C. Criminal Code 22-3005.

Misdemeanor Sexual Abuse

A person can be convicted of misdemeanor sexual abuse if the person engages in either a sexual act or sexual contact with another person when the offender should have known that he or she did not have the other person’s permission. The penalty for this offense is a maximum fine of $1000 and no more than 180 days in jail.  D.C. Criminal Code 22-3006.

경찰 에서는 보시다시피 물리적인 피해가 없으므로 그렇게 분류한것입니다. 

그러나 기소시에 ,혹시ㅡ3, 4등급도 모진 검사/변호사  만나면 갈수 있을듯합니다.엉덩이에 반창고 하나 붙이면 됨..

그리고 문화원 언니가 신고를 같이 하는 바람에 신고시 축소 했다는 이야기가 있습니다(루머),뭐 잘 알지 못하는 용어 지만 Actual due influence (?) 강압, 또는 직위를 이용한 강압 이란 말이 껴 들어갑니다.

That is, 3rd degree involves actual force, threats putting the person in fear of death, bodily injury or kidnapping, or rendering the person unconscious. 에 요기에 or rendering the person unconscious에 해당 하는지 모르겠네여?
성추행때 술을 멕였으니 , 피해자 가 술취해서 저항하지 못햇다 검사는 어찌 하였든 이렇게 몰고 갈겁니다.어찌 디펜스 하려고 ? 나름 하버드 출신인데 튀어야지요.

 끔직하네요.전 잘모릅니다. 

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
알로프 13-05-13 13:32
3등급 성추행은 강제적인 행동,피해자를 죽음의 두려움에 떨게하는 협박,신체 상해,납치
4등급 성추행은 피해자가 신체 상해를 입을 만한 두려움에 떠는 상황

즉 윤창중 같은 경우 3,4등급은 해당되지 않음.
경범죄형 성추행에 해당되는 듯함
Nephilim 13-05-13 13:36
위에 있는 모든 조항은 Criminal입니다. 경범죄 아니고요.
알로프 13-05-13 13:38
내가 언제 경범죄라고 했습니까? 경범죄형 성추행이라고 했지.
영어 원문 그래도 해석한건데..
그리고 왜 댓글은 고쳤는지.
Nephilim 13-05-13 13:40
예,잘못된것 같아 고쳤습니다.
틀리면 얼른 고쳐야지요.
바꾸네 13-05-13 15:49
저녁에 엉덩이 부여잡은건 무기징역
새벽에 아랫도리 보여준건 사형입니다.
별명없음 13-05-13 13:41
직위를 이용한 성추행이 되면 골치 아파지는데...

윤창중이 실수한게

자기가 야단을 쳤다. 그래서 풀어주려고 술을 마셨다고 했죠...

업무상 실수에 대해 야단을 쳤다... ;;
스스로 상사 - 부하직원 / 고용주 - 고용인 관계가 된다는 내용을 스스로 자인한 꼴이에요...

기자회견을 공중파 뉴스에도 나갈정도로 해버렸으니 이것참...
Nephilim 13-05-13 13:47
예,그리고 몇번 댓글 단 데로, 피해자 92년 5월 8일 생 이후면 그야말로 가중 됩니다.
음주 나이가 안되거든요.누구도 생각 하지않은 복병입니다.윤바바리맨이 누굽니까?
하버드에서 공부 했다고 썰 까는(미국 하버드대 정치학과 연수)데 누구보다도 더잘알고 있습니다.
하늘유람 13-05-13 14:41
성범죄 형량이 그리 중요한가요?

경범죄 성추행이면 죄가 가볍고 3-4등급이면 무겁나요..

그게 중요한게 아닐듯 싶은데...

종편 물타기에 말리신듯,,

경범죄드립치고 별거아닌거에 좌좀들 폭동수준으로 과잉대처한다,,

좌우 싸움시켜 사건희석시키려는 농간입니다,,

윤창중 검찰소환하고 조사해서 미국 보내면 될일,,,
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