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작성일 : 21-11-18 14:50
[공군] 항공기 작전범위 자료
 글쓴이 : 면도기
조회 : 832  


4. Ferry range:
# Fighter: EF-2000 / Rafale C
A. Ferry range: 2,600 km / > 2,100 km (*10)
B. Ferry range: 3,700 km / 3,704 km+ (*11) (*12)

*10: clean fighter with internal fuel only.
*11: Ferry range of EF-2000 with two tanks --> 3,700 km
*12: Ferry range of Rafale C with four tank (6,600 L) + MICA*8 --> 3,704 km

5. Combat radius:
# EF-2000
A. Strike:650km (4 BVRAAM, 2WVRAAM, and 7,000Ib bombs, lo-lo-lo)
B. Strike: 1390Km (Basic loading for air-combat + LGB*3 + ARM*2 + pod*1, hi-lo-hi)
C. Air-combat: 750 nm (1389 km)
D. Air-combat: 100 nm (185 km), 3hrs CAP
E. Combat endurance: 2 h 15 min with six AAMs and external tanks, 280 km from the carrier.

# Rafale C:
A. 1,100 km with three tanks (4,300 L), four MICA AAMs, and twelve 1,000 Ib bombs.
B. 1,480 km with three tanks (6,000 L), four MICA AAMs, and four 500 Ib GBU-12 LGBs
C. 1,830 km with two CFTs (2,300 L), three tanks (5,700 L), two SCALP-EG and two MICA AAMs.
D. CAP: More than 2 hours (Rafale M with six AAMs and three 1,250L tanks, 185 km away from the carrier)

Gripen NG Range
Range is increased an average of 40% over the JAS 39C as both the internal and external fuel capability is expanded.
Combat radius: 1,300 Km + 30 minutes on station with A2A weapons. (702nm)
Range (one-way): 2,500 Km on internal fuel(1350nm)
Ferry range (one-way): 4,075 Km with external fuel(2200nm)
Combat Radius estimate: 1,800 km with A2A weapons(972nm)

One drop tank (450 Gal) gives the Gripen NG an extra range of approximately 1000 km.

4. Ferry range:
# Fighter: F/A-18E / Rafale M
A. Ferry range: 2,346 km / > 2,100 km (*10)
B. Ferry range: 3,054 km / 3,704 km (*11) (*12)

*10: clean fighter with internal fuel only.
*11: Ferry range of F/A-18E with 1,800L tank*3 + AIM-9*2 --> 3,074 km
*12: Ferry range of Rafale M with four tank (6,600 L) + MICA*8 --> 3,704 km

5. Combat radius:

# F/A-18E:
A. 720 km hi-lo-lo-hi attack profile with two 480 gallon tanks and four 1000 lbs bombs plus two Aim-9.
B. 855 km on interdiction mission with three 480 gal tanks.
C. 1230 km hi-hi-hi profile with two AIM-9, four Mk.83 bombs, three tanks, two sensor pods.
D. 800 km for fighter escort with two AIM-9 and two AMRAAMs, internal fuel only.
E. Combat endurance: 2 h 15 min with six AAMs and external tanks, 280 km from the carrier.

# Rafale M:
A. 1,100 km with three tanks (4,300 L), four MICA AAMs, and twelve 1,000 Ib bombs.
B. 1,480 km with three tanks (6,000 L), four MICA AAMs, and four 500 Ib GBU-12 LGBs
C. 1,830 km with two CFTs (2,300 L), three tanks (5,700 L), two SCALP-EG and two MICA AAMs.
D. CAP: More than 2 hours (Rafale M with six AAMs and three 1,250L tanks, 185 km away from the carrier)

6. Others:
# Fighter: F/A-18E / Rafale M
A. Frontal RCS: 0.1 m2 / 0.1 to 0.3 m2 (*13)
B. Pylonst: 11 and 5 / 13 and 5, all and wet (*14)
C. Prices: 57 million USDs / 69.5 million USDs (*15)
D. Maintenance: 15 / 7 Man-hours per flight hour.

Plane Mission Radius Fuel Weapons Profile Notes
Super Hornet 816 nm 3 external (likely 480 gal) air-to-air optimum cruise, 1 minute of combat
Rafale 896 nm 3 external (likely 2000 L) air-to-air optimum cruise, 1 minute of combat
Typhoon 747 nm 3 external (likely 1000 L) air-to-air optimum cruise, 1 minute of combat
F-35 751 nm internal only air-to-air optimum cruise, 1 minute of combat, 5% fuel degradation, 2% reduced thrust
Gripen C 502 nm 3 external air-to-air optimum cruise, 1 minute of combat

Plane Mission Radius Fuel Weapons Profile Notes
Typhoon 250 nm internal only 6 MRAAM + 2 SRAAM max supersonic (20 minutes to arrive)
Typhoon 250 nm internal only 6 MRAAM + 2 SRAAM supercruise (25 minutes to arrive, I believe 30 minute loiter)
Typhoon 250 nm 3 external tanks (likely 1000 L) 6 MRAAM + 2 SRAAM subsonic (30 minutes to arrive, I believe 120 minute loiter)
Typhoon 500 nm 3 external tanks (likely 1000 L) 6 MRAAM + 2 SRAAM subsonic (60 minutes to arrive, I believe 60 minute loiter)
F-35 740 nm likely internal only 2 AIM-120, 2 GBU-12 (500-lb bomb) optimal cruise; altitudes ranged from 33,200 ft to 40,400 ft
F-35 728 nm likely internal only (though may include external tanks) 2 AIM-120, 2 GBU-12 (500-lb bomb) surveillance mission with altitudes ranging from 5,000 ft to 25,000 ft
F-35 610 nm internal only 2 AIM-120, 2 JSM (900 lb) 220 nm optimum cruise, 390 nm at 30,000 ft and 0.9 Mach, launch JSM then combat at 20,000 ft, egress for 390 nm at 30,000 ft and 0.9 Mach, 220 nm optimum cruise

Plane Mission Radius Fuel Weapons Profile Notes
Gripen E 2200 nm (4075 km) internal + external tanks (likely 2 450 gal and 1 300 gal) none ferry range (one-way only)
Gripen E 1350 nm (2500 km) internal none ferry range on internal fuel (one-way only)
Gripen E 700 nm (1300 km) internal + external tanks (likely 2 450 gal and 1 300 gal) 4 RR + 2 IR radius including 30-minute loiter


가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
archwave 21-11-18 14:52
저 표 수치를 보고 엄청 낮은 것으로 혼동할 분이 있을까봐 사족 달아봅니다.

1 nmi = 1.852 km 이니까 저 표에 나온 수치에 1.852 를 곱해서 보시기 바랍니다.

nmi 와 NM 은 nautical mile 의 약자이고 [해리] 라고 합니다.

함선 속도를 나타날때 흔히 쓰는 1 노트는 1 시간동안 1 해리를 달린다는 속도의 단위임.

지구를 1/60 도만큼 쪼갰을 때 지표면 거리가 약 1.852 km 가 나온 것에서 유래한 단위이고요.

ps. 글 제목은 언제 다실거에요 ? 댓글 3 개 넘으면 제목 수정 안 되는거 같던데..
포오97 21-11-18 16:53
김ㅌ ㅎ 기자인가가 저 nm을 킬로로 알고 기사내지 않았나요? Aesa 성능 떨어진다고