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작성일 : 17-09-17 21:06
[공군] RC-800 버릴줄알았는데아니네?
 글쓴이 : 넷우익증오
조회 : 1,574  

록히드 마틴사의 홍보 기사 입니다. 


RC-800 Radar and Ground Stations to be Upgraded

Phoenix, Ariz., February 14, 2007 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] announced today that it is has been awarded a $28 million contract through the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency for upgrades and continued support of RC-800 reconnaissance aircraft and associated ground stations for the Republic of Korea’s Peace Krypton system. Peace Krypton collects reconnaissance imagery of selected areas during long-range missions.

** $28mil(약 260억원)에 수주를 하였다고... 기체 장비 및 지상 지원 장비를 포함...

“We appreciate the opportunity to extend our support of the Korean Air Force and the Peace Krypton system with our advanced synthetic aperture radar technology,” said John Mengucci, vice president and general manager of the Mission and Combat Support Solutions Group for Lockheed Martin’s Integrated Systems & Solutions business area.

**개량된 SAR 기술로 Peace Krypton 시스템을 개량하는 것이라고...

Used by the Republic of Korea for tactical intelligence, the RC-800 is a militarized specialty version of the former Hawker RC-800XP series business jet. Lockheed Martin’s work scope for the Peace Krypton RC-800 includes upgrading, sustainment and maintenance of the fleet’s synthetic aperture radar (SAR). This includes spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, communication support, prime mission equipment, technical support, engineering, as well as other elements of program support. Under a related contract, Lockheed Martin also supports and maintains the Hawker aircraft. The majority of the work for this contract will be performed in Goodyear, AZ over the duration of the three-year project. 

**각종 유지/지원을 포함한 포괄적 계약이군요, 이 기체에 대해 거의 손을 못대는 것이 아닌지...?
3년간에 걸쳐 미국 아리조나주 Goodyear 라는 곳에서 행하여 진다고...
후속조치가궁금해서 찿아봄 그런데업그래이드???노인학대ㅠㅠㅠ
출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

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알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.