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작성일 : 14-02-25 20:57
[올림픽] 前 ISU의 "김연아,소트니코바에 안드로메다급 점수차로 이겼어야"
 글쓴이 : 암코양이
조회 : 5,392  

전 올림픽 심판이자 국제빙상연맹(ISU)의 피겨스케이팅 위원회 의장이었던 소니아 비앙게티가 소치 동계올림픽 피겨스케이팅 여자 싱글 경기 결과를 강하게 비판하고 나섰다.

비앙게티는 최근 자신의 사이트인 ‘소니아비앙게티닷컴’에 기고한 장문의 칼럼에서 아델리나 소트니코바와 김연아의 경기를 분석하며 판정 의혹을 제기했다. 서두에서 페어와 남자 싱글 경기에 대해 언급한 그는 칼럼 중반부부터 본론을 얘기하기 시작했다.

“김연아는 평소대로 쇼트프로그램과 프리스케이팅에서 놀랄만한 연기를 선보였다”고 운을 뗀 그는 “열정과 우아함이 돋보인 연기였다. 고난이도 기술을 훌륭히 소화했으며 스핀에서도 엄청난 유연성을 과시했다”고 극찬했다.

비앙게티는 소트니코바와 카롤리나 코스트너의 연기를 비교하며 “소트니코바가 코스트너보다 앞서고 김연아와 비교해도 점수 차가 지극히 적다”며 의문을 나타냈다. 이어 “소트니코바가 훌륭한 연기를 펼쳤으며 전도유망한 선수이긴 하지만 기술점수와 관련해서 김연아, 코스트너와는 ‘별거리’(Sidereal distance)만큼의 차이가 나야 했다”고 지적했다.

그는 “최소한의 능력을 갖춘 심판이라면 누구도 안무와 수행, 실행, 음악적 해석력에서 소트니코바를 김연아와 코스터너 위에 두지 못할 것이다”며 “피겨라는 스포츠에 황당함을 선사했다”고 주장했다.

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
willy 14-02-25 23:13
There is no doubt that Adelina is a marvellous, very promising young girl, technically fantastic, but at a sidereal distance from Yuna and Carolina as far as the Program Components are concerned. While Adelina just "skated" her planned program, both Carolina and Yuna expressed in the best possible way the art and the beauty of figure skating.

김연아, 코스트너와는 별거리만큼 떨여져 있다는 내용이 맞네요.

오역이 아니라 제대로 된 번역이네요.

일단 소트니한테 김연아와 코스트너보다 별거리만큼 점수를 더 준적이 없고 근소한 차이의 점수였죠.

제대로 된 번역을 누가 멍청하게 또는 고의로 시비 거네요.
호이호이 14-02-25 23:26
저 심판들은 무엇을 위해 양심을 팔았을까..
머리아퍼 14-02-25 23:36
저도 올려주신 원문을 보니까 처음 기사 번역이 맞는것 같네요.
프로그램 구성에 관한한 유나와 캐롤리나하고는 별만큼 떨어져 있다는 내용같습니다

아까 지적하신 분이 잘못 해석한것 같네요.
괜히 소란피워서 지송해요.
Zack 14-02-27 01:59
댓글도 안 달렸으니 깨끗이 삭제하는 게 온당하다고 봅니다만?
첫댓글 점령하는데 혈안이 된 알바들이 하도 설쳐대서요. 오해 사기 싫으시면..
머리아퍼 14-02-27 15:36
오류가 있는 글이니 삭제하는게 낫겠죠?
지적에 감사
브리츠 14-02-26 00:15
러시아서 전세계로 방송된 화면을 보면 앵글을 완전 나쁘게 잡어 점프 차이가 없어 보이게 만들었죠
미국 방송 자체 버젼보면 진짜 점프 차이가 어마한뎅 러시아 방송거 보면 차이가 안나는...
그런거 보면 치밀한 준비가 있는듯 하더라고요
바이오팜 14-02-26 00:33
오역된거 없어요. 해석 맞게 되어있습니다.

소냐 비앙게티 여사 공식홈피
바이오팜 14-02-26 00:35
From a skating point of view, the ladies' final was a fantastic event. Most of the skaters performed excellent programs, which is not always the case in ladies' competitions. Too bad that it turned into a disgrace for the sport because of the questionable judging.

Adelina Sotnikova (RUS) won the gold medal, becoming the first Russian Olympic Champion in the ladies. figure skating event. Yuna Kim (KOR), the reigning Olympic Champion, took the silver medal, and Carolina Kostner (ITA) won the bronze, to give Italy its second Olympic figure skating medal after Barbara Fusar-Poli and Maurizio Margaglio, who won the bronze medal in ice dancing in 2002. Carolina has a fantastic record of five gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals at the European Championships, in addition to a 2012 gold medal, two silver and two bronze medals at the World Championships.

Skating to Saint-Saëns' "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso", Sotnikova executed a strong program with very well executed triple jumps and jump combinations as well as good and fast spins. Her only mistake was a step out of the double loop on her three-jump combination. From a technical point of view, she was the best. But, in spite of the marks she received in the Program Components, her choreography was aimless and her skating lacked passion and did not transmit any emotion. She was just "executing" a program, as it is understandable for a girl of her age. She is 17.

Yuna Kim, as usual, was marvellous both in the short and the free.

Skating to "Adiós Nonino", Kim performed a good and flawless program with athleticism and grace. Her jumps are of the highest technical quality, properly started at full speed and landed without any visible effort. Her spins are done with great flexibility. Although she was not as brilliant, explosive and emotional as in 2010, very captivating is the way she glides on the ice, as light as a feather, the way she uses her arms, her head and her body to express every second of her music. Her class is beyond debate and she is still a marvel.

Both the programs from Carolina Kostner were just outstanding from the artistic point of view. Her short program, skated to the "Ave Maria" by Franz Schubert, was breathtaking and extremely emotional from the beginning to the end. A real jewel that will be remembered in the history of figure skating.

The same can be said for her interpretation of the "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel. Another masterpiece, emotional and skated with deep passion.

From the technical point of view, Carolina executed a flawless program with four triple jumps and three jump combinations, including a double Axel-triple toe loop. Carolina glides on the ice like a butterfly. She lives the music and she makes it alive. Each movement of her head and arms is intended to express that particular beat of the music. A true artist. She was awarded two 10.0 marks in Performance/Execution and four in Interpretation.

Nevertheless, Adelina was placed ahead of Carolina in the Program Components by 0.64 points and behind Yuna only by 0.90 points.

And here comes the problem. The podium is strongly contested all over the world and an official complaint was filed by the South Korean Olympic Committee to the IOC. In no way could Adelina Sotnikova be placed ahead of Yuna Kim and perhaps also Carolina Kostner.

There is no doubt that Adelina is a marvellous, very promising young girl, technically fantastic, but at a sidereal distance from Yuna and Carolina as far as the Program Components are concerned. While Adelina just "skated" her planned program, both Carolina and Yuna expressed in the best possible way the art and the beauty of figure skating.

No fair judge with a minimum of competence on how to evaluate the Program Components could have awarded to Adelina higher marks in choreography, performance/execution, and interpretation of the music.

Nevertheless, several judges did. Two placed Adelina ahead of Yuna in Performance/Execution, four in Choreography and three in Interpretation. And the same happened with Carolina, who got lower marks from two judges in Performance/Execution, from five judges in Choreography, and from two in Interpretation. Can anyone explain to us why four judges placed Adelina ahead in every single component score, some of them with a difference of more than one point?

In my opinion, the judging was disgraceful and again an embarrassment for the sport. A real mockery. After the scandal in Salt Lake City in 2002, the International Judging System was brought in and judging became secret and the judges. scores are anonymous and not identified by country. Still, we can easily envisage who they are just by looking at the composition of the panel of judges. All this proves that the IJS did not solve at all the problems in judging. On the contrary!

Will this new scandal produce a miracle? Will judging become open again as is wished by all the skating world, including great champions?

Now we can only hope that the ISU will not close its eyes and will open the famous safe where the real protocols are kept and will assess the proper sanctions.

Before closing this long article, I want to pay tribute to Mao Asada of Japan. She has proven to be a real champion, able to overcome her great sorrow after her appalling short program and come back and execute a fantastic free program, technically very strong, even with a successful triple Axel, and very emotional and captivating. Thank you, Mao, for all you did for our sport and for the joys you gave to all your millions of skating fans.
바이오팜 14-02-26 00:38
앞에 아이스댄싱이랑 페어부분 남자싱글 부분빼고 여자싱글만 옮겨서 붙였습니다.
저런말 말고 김연아 선수 극찬하고 있네요. 물론 밴쿠버때의 열정보단 못하지만 여전히 원탑이다!
더불어 코스트너도 극찬!
덤으로 마지막에 마오에 대한 칭찬과 감사.
mischef 14-02-27 11:26
글의 논재는 소트니코바는 테크닉 부분의 수행에 대해서 높게 둔점 그리고 스텝아웃한점까지 꼬집음!! 이 선수가 받을수 있는 점수는 최고로 다 받았다는점/ 반면 연아와 카롤리나는 테크닉적인 부분보다 피겨의 아름다움을 더 표현했다는 점 구성요소가 높다는 평가~ 연아의 프로그램은 2010년만큼은 아니였다는점 그러나 멋졌다는점/그러나 팔과 머리 몸쓰는거 좋았던거~ 그리고 연아와 카롤리나의 공통점을 집어내내요 점수 둘다 소트니코바와 비교시 낮게 나온점~ 그리고 카롤리나가 작품의 해석능력이 좋았던점(이번 피겨 여싱 메달권 선수중에 작품해석은 카로가 젤나았던점 인정한다/ 솔직히 볼레로 다시 들고 올때 부터 아차 싶었음 거기다 쇼트 아베마리아는 이미 선공개시 감성적인 부분을 잘 이끌어 주는 면이 있기도 했고)~ 소트니코바는 테크닉과 그저 수행이 좋았다는 점!!! 나름 분석적이면서 공감가는 글이네요~ 아참 저는 한글로 읽지 않고 영어 원문보고 글적습니다!!^^
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