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작성일 : 17-01-16 11:28
너의 이름은 외국에서도 표절로 말이 나오는 모양
 글쓴이 : mr스미스
조회 : 3,326  

제목 없음.jpg

 Anime Amino라는 외국 오타쿠 사이트에 올라온 포스트인데 너의 이름은이 레이크 하우스(시월애 리메이크 작품)를 표절했다며 세세한 비교를 해놨네요.
(글쓴이도 보니까 "Dango desu"  "Yoshi" 같은 일본어를 사용하는 일애니 오타쿠)

Kimi no Na wa: POSSIBLY A RIP OFF???

Spoilers ahead about Your Name and also The Lake House...

Yo! Dango desu with a..blog that MIGHT make the Your Name fans go Coo coo.. For the 1st time in my life, I actually made a blog that is somewhat serious.. u.u

Possibility of rabid fans trying to strangle me virtually: 85%

Lettsu Sutatto!

The majority of us consider Kimi no Na wa, also known as Your Name, as a masterpiece. I mean, MAL doesn't lie..

It is true that the movie had a great impact on the viewer's feelings.

(A review in MAL by Jgaaar) The film holds true to all the expectations of Makoto Shinkai production, from heartfelt smiles to crying the 5th time within the last 30 minutes. His signature metaphorical use trains the idea of a hopeless and distant love, and beautiful scenery really dive you emotionally into the story even for how genetic and simple it may seem.

People argue if Teki and Mitsuha are in two different parallel worlds or both of them are just in different timelines. In how I understand the movie, the concept presented is time travel, travelling through body swapping. So they're just in different timelines.

However, Kimi no Na wa might not be as original as you thought it would be. You see, when Teki (girl) saw that he actually keeps a diary, first thing he'd, if not We would(if ever we're in the same situation as them), do is to write something in it in order for the "real" Teki to know what happened when they were exchanging bodies. I paused the video and literally said to myself "Hell Nah..noooo..nope..."

Ok first of all, what really is "The Lake House"?

It is an American film made in 2006. A remake of the south korean motion picture II Mare(2000). The story centers on an architect living in 2004 and a doctor living in 2006. The two meet via letters left in a mailbox at the lake house they have both lived in at separate points in time; they carry on correspondence over two years, remaining separated by their original difference of two years. For Alex the time goes from 2004 to 2006. For Kate the time goes from 2006 to 2008.

And without further adieu, here are the "evidences" or should I just say the concepts that are used in both films. Because I wouldn't want to hurt the Your Name fans out there if I really do say these are all "evidences" that KIMI NO NA WA IS A RIP OFF.




Yes there are times when I don't make sense.... ha.. hahaa.ha...BUT FCK IT.

I'm not used to making blogs like dis okies~ em not good wid english 2 :joy:


The Same Concepts

1.) Way of Communication

Anime: Through Diaries/cellphones

Film: Mailbox/Letters


Of course in the anime film, they wrote diaries in order for them to know what happened when they were exchanging bodies like I said before. Not only that, but also writing on their palms, arms, faces.. until they're black from all the marker .-. Jk I'm exaggerating...

But unlike in the anime where both mc's travel through time by switching bodies, in the lake house, Kate and Alex did not. They send each other letters through the mysterious mailbox. The mailbox didn't only represent as their way of communication, but it was also the main reason why the story existed. If it weren't for the mailbox, Kate and Alex MIGHT have never met each other in the first place. So yah let's just say there's some sort of magic inside that mailbox XD.

I'm actually just ok of stories if there is something that is unexplained. Like how the mailbox was able to deliver letters and stuff.

Example is the anime Erased. It was never explained how he got his powers of "travelling back through time" right? Kinda like that.

2.) Time Gap

Anime: 3 years.    Boy: Future.   Girl: Past

Film : 2 years.      Man: Past.       Lady: Future



Ye if I were Makoto Shinkai and if I really was copying the idea in the lake house, I would do the same changes. Instead of the main female character being the one in the future, she would be in the past in my movie. As well as for the main male character~ For the time gap, instead of 2, make it 3. I mean like it's not like anyone actually knows about this move Lake House right? (Heck I bet most of you don't even know the lake house). They won't know, they won't know~ and 3 is a lucky number ye? Yoshi!....yeah that's actually just all for this part XD.

On to the next concept.

3.) A Disaster will Happen

Anime: The Comet

Film: Alex dies from car accident


Yes...every anime that has drama in it...someone's gonna die ~(u.u.

Kimi no Na wa. We already know what happened. The comet split into two, the other half hit the place where Mitsuha lived..a lot if peeps died..Teki tried saving them by going back through time again to warn all the people..BY DRINKING MITSUHA'S SALIVA. HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!

sorry for the bad quality :pensive:

In the Lake House: in Kate's timeline, she saw a man got hit by a car, tried saving him(she's a doctor) but failed. A year passed and when her relationship with Past Alex already started, she remembered that incident. It was Alex who had that car accident. She requested Past Alex to forget and never to look for her, explained that he will be hit by a car in the future, wait for two years and meet her in the lake house. He reason why got hit was that, he saw Kate from the other side of the road and crossed.

4.) How They First Met



You think Makoto Shinkai's the only one who gets to have train scenes! Ohohoho wrong~ Luckily I had the time to actually rewatch the lake house and remembered that scene -^-

Let's start with Your Name; the reason why they ended up meeting each other was because Mitsuha wanted to see Teki for real, but it was only for a short period of time..too short .>. Because there were too many peeps inside the train and all, pushing Mitsuha away from Teki. Luckily Mitsuha was still able to give Teki her

... her...sigh...THAT STRING —^—" so that Past Teki might still remember her in the future...

In the lake house tho...it went something like this: Future Kate requested Alex to go to a certain train station in a specific date. It was because Past Kate once lost a precious book(given from her father) in that train station. So what Future Kate wants Alex to do is get that book back and put it on the mailbox in order for her to retrieve it back. While he was in the train station he did saw the book, only to find out that past Kate just entered the train. He tried chasing her..But we all know it's already impossible .>. Still in the end he got the book.

But Alex didn't put it inside the mailbox because he wanted to give it her in person whenever he and past Kate might meet again. Or maybe when he and future Kate will meet up.

5.) Both male mc's in both films are good at art

I actually just realized this yesterday, and it made me more pissed off. I didn't want to believe Your Name was really a rip off, but this just did the opposite..


Ok this is actually a big issue I believe. You might be saying "dude what the hell. They're both good at drawing, it's just a coincidence" or "I mean in most anime/s there's always that character who's an artist or whateva~"...ok I kinda lied on that last part but I think SOME of you are thinking of it right?....k... ;-;

Back to my point, big issue. Why?

Let's go back to Kimi no Na wa~ Remember guys. If it weren't for Teki's drawing, he would have never found that place where Mitsuha lived..so if he wasn't good at drawing....the movie would be total Bullsht..

And in The Lake House. No, he wasn't the one who designed the lake house(bcuz it was his father), but rather "beautified" the it again. You see, the lake house was actually abandoned for many years and he decided to buy it. The house was originally a present for his mother from his father. But sadly she died ;-;. (Alex got his skillz as an architect from his father). So again, if he never bought that house and "beautified" it, Kate would have never lived in that house in the future..and there would be no story.


In both films, the mc's survived in the accident they were in.


Yes. We all know. Mitsuha survived, years passed and she wa reunited with Teki -^- . It's also the same for Alex and Kate. I already explained what happened(in Concept 3). Turns out, Alex did what Kate said and waited for two years. He went to the lake house finding Kate crying near the mailbox. Kate saw him, ran after him and the two hugged one another :') . And kissy kissy :kissing_closed_eyes:

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
Aquamarine 17-01-16 11:30
결국 한국 작품 시월애 표절이란 얘기네요. 레이크 하우스야 당당하게 판권 사서 리메이크 한 거니 무고하구요
재간둥이o 17-01-16 11:31
그냥 관객입장에서 딱 보면 느껴지는데 자꾸 엉뚱한 소리하면서 실드치는 분들이 있죠.
진짜 표절이면 왜 원작자가 고소 안하느냐 하면서..
북창 17-01-16 11:31
쩝;; 한국 작품을 표절한 영화를 한국인이 돈주고 보는 꼴이라니...
스코티쉬 17-01-16 12:13
흔한컨셉으로 쉴드치는분들 있던데, 저 블로그에서 정리 잘 해놨내요.
사실 "15년 감금"컨셉 하나로 저작권료 구입한 올드보이만 봐도 저건 빼박 표절.

레이크 하우스가 시월애 저작권 구입해서 재연에 가깝게 리메이크 했는데,
레이크 하우스와 저렇게 같아버리면 단순 컨셉으로 넘어가기엔 무리죠
자그네브 17-01-16 12:33
저는 시월애 안봤는데도 너의 이름은 스토리가 너무 뻔했어요.
숱하게 많이 본... 별로 신선하지 않은...
애니팬들에게는 대단한 명작일지 모르겠지만
영화팬의 입장에서는 그냥 평범한 작품이었습니다.
못만들진 않았어요. 그냥 그럭저럭 볼만했어요.
딱 그정도..

저는 차라리 라라랜드가 논란의 중심이었으면 좋겠는데...ㅎㅎㅎ
지금 극장가 최고영화는 라라랜드인데 가생이에서는 너무 언급이 없어요.
거의 300만명이 봤고, 이영화도 호불호가 확실하게 나뉘던데
저에게는 몇년에 한번 볼까말까한 명작이었습니다. 
호는 저처럼 이건뭐 최고의 명작이다 하는 쪽이고
불호는 좋은 영화인데 좀 밋밋하더라..하는 정도의 평이죠.
너의 이름은 처럼 뻔한 스토리의 뮤지컬영화지만
영화적인 상상력으로 아주 풍부한 만족감을 주더군요.
물론 음악도 좋고
애니메이션보다 더 화려한 색상과 현란한 카메라워크,
그리고 롱테이크라고 하죠.
6분이상 카메라를 안멈추고 1씬 1컷의 아주 깊이있는 영상도.
해질녁 LA언덕위의 롱테이크 씬은 정말 강추합니다.
라라랜드...극장에서 꼭 한번 보시기를 추천합니다.
한창 창조력 쫙쫙~ 뻣어나가는 전성기에 서있는 감독의 출중한 연출력을 볼수 있습니다.
군말 17-01-16 13:15
가생이 사이트 특성상 라라랜드가 너의이름은 보다 많이 언급 될 가능성은 매우 적지요
4번째정지 17-01-16 13:33
왜섬은 존재 자체가 표절 입니다.
곰사냥꾼 17-01-17 05:07
화젯거리만 되면 일제라도 찾아가서 보는 한국인들의 떼거지 심리...
부끄러워 해야 한다고 봄.
나는 일본거는 어쩔 수 없는 경우 아니면 절대 안사고 안봄.
한국에도 일제 대체할만한 것 널렸고, 굳이 일제 아니라도 다른 나라것 많은데 왜 하필 맹목적 혐한 심리때문에
세계적으로 통하는 한국 제품 절대 발도 못 붙이게 만드는 나라 것 사주는지?
ckseoul777 18-02-14 04:34