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작성일 : 11-01-23 18:21
유투브 동영상 백두산 도와 주세요(중국 댓글 비추, 스팸신고 및 동영상 추천)
 글쓴이 : 고피도라
조회 : 7,015  


Baek Du san 백두산이라는 제목인데 짱깨들이 비추하고 제가 쓴 댓글 제 닉네임은 GopidoraLook 이고요

짱깨들이 조선왕조실록 숙종기록 단지 만주족이 장백산에 살았다는 기록가지고 거짓말 하는데 제가 썼습니다.

백두산은 개마산으로 고구려왕이 사냥 갔다는 삼국사기 기록을 인용하고 중국애들 본래 땅은 황화강 일대라고 제 댓글 스팸신고 당했습니다

잠깐 보시면요

yailaapple 이놈이 한국인들 모욕하고 지 댓글 추천한 거좀 보세요 만주리안 영토라고 하는데 근거가 없습니다 그리고 한나라때 백두산을 경영했다고 하는데 무슨 거짓말인지 가서 비추해주시고 스팸매일 신고 해주세요(이거 많이 당하면 삭제당합니다)

@semagratskcor puppy cock stuffed gook what did you say? manchurias not gook history okay? you gooks were only vassal states! youre the slave. if chinese isnt a leader in far east history, who is you? look at your pathetic countries. look at your pathetic self. youre claiming people who arent you to be you. open up your slitty gook eyes and gook at your filthy culture. losers claiming everything chinese is yours. if goguryeo is superior it wouldnt have copied han dynasty! shame isnt it?

  • @semagratskcor

    what country can beat korea in lameness? culture? copies china for thousands of years. now? copy western countries. what rubbish culture is that? gook diasporas around the world are all derived from whorean comforters. if the japs didnt cart you like mules to fuck them everywhere they invaded, you assholes wouldnt be living in china today. china needs to kick all these gook rubbish back to where they belong!

  • @ken5647711 little white mountain? its called changbai mountain gook buffoon!

  • @semagratskcor are you over stuffed with puppy cock retarded gook? what ignorance are you spewing? you roaches spill into china in the millions. where is the shame? no territory in china belongs to korea so go back to where you belong. qing is china. prc is the successor of qing. prc is a sovereign country. show some respect cockroachs! your entire canine race is born to whorean jap/usa comforters.

  • @semagratskcor goguryeo copied chinas han dynasty. architecture, decor, clothes, writing, customs. all copy. no problem? shame on you and the rest of korea!

  • @Gopidoralook dont lie korean nationalists. currently 45% of changbai mountain belongs to china. in history, han dynasties territory included the entire mountain. it was recorded in the tang dynasty, han dynasty, liao dynasty & jin dynasty. this mountain was only split because illegals keep jumping borders into manchuria. original korean territory is deep inside the korean peninsula.

  • Baek du san is Korea Mountain, In now North korea has 60% on Mountain. and Its old name was 蓋馬山 , 삼국사기(삼국사기) 고구려왕 고국원왕은 개마산에서 사냥을 갔다. Three kindoms chronicle(korea history) tell that Baek du san was hunting region for korea monarch. 据朝鲜《李朝肃宗实录》? where is such fake korea history book? Dont lie chinese. Original chinas territory is around Yellow river

  • 白头山只不过是朝鲜沿用了中国满族的称谓罢了....

    连你们韩国的古籍 都明白指出白头山之名 源于中国满族 朝鲜也跟着满族如此称呼


    就因为你们数百年前的老祖宗曾经住过长白山 后来被中国女真族(后来的满族)逼走 逃到朝鲜半岛定居

    你们韩国人就整天幻想老祖宗百年前的居住地现在还是他们的领土 真的有病!!!!

    照你们那种可笑逻辑 那亚洲人种源于蒙古 我们是不是也可以说朝鲜半岛现在也是中国的领土...

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