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작성일 : 15-08-06 18:38
[중국] 중국여자 연예인의 외국인과 결혼하는 추세인 것 같네요
 글쓴이 : 근초고왕
조회 : 6,071  

▲ 장쯔이와 억만장자 남자친구 비비 네보
[칭다오(중국)=이데일리 SPN 정유미 통신원] 최근 중국에서는 장쯔이를 비롯해 공리(궁리), 리민 등 많은 여자 스타들이 외국인 남성을 애인으로 두고 있거나 결혼을 하고 있다.
이중에는 장쯔이처럼 억만장자인 미국 미디어산업계의 거물과 당당하게 연인으로 지내는 경우도 있다. 하지만 이와 달리 새로운 커플의 탄생 못지않게 파경을 맞거나 갈라서는 연인들도 적지않다.
프랑스 출신 영화감독 올리비에 아사야스와 끝내 이혼한 장만옥(장만위)처럼 결국 문화 차이로 사랑에 종지부를 찍은 것이다.
▲ 공리와 외국인 연인
장백지(장바이쯔)도 한때 9세 연상의 서양 남성 예로엔과 동거 후 결혼설까지 나돌았다. 하지만 결국 그녀는 예전 남자친구인 사정봉(셰팅펑)에게 돌아가 현재 임신 8개월째다.
가수 손연자(쑨옌즈) 역시 외국 남성과 4년여의 긴 열애를 했으나 결혼 문제로 갈등을 맺은 끝에 헤어졌다.
중국 '베이징청년주간'은 24일 스타들이 앞다투어 외국 남성을 사귀는 세태에 대하여 '외국인 애인을 두는 것이 과연 국제여성인가'라는 제목으로 문화적 장벽이 가져올 수 있는 어려움을 지적하기도 했다.
하지만 물질만능주의의 소용돌이에 휩싸인 많은 중국 여성에게 경제력까지 갖춘 외국인 연인은 현대판 '백마탄 왕자'이다.  이런 가운데 억만장자와 핑크빛 로맨스를 펼치는 장쯔이를 비롯한 여러 스타들의 행보는 부러움의 대상인 동시에 대리만족을 주고 있는 것이 분명하다. 
마이데일리 = 이경호 기자] 섹시가이 조지 클루니(44)가 중국계 할리우드 배우 루시 리우(37)와 사랑에 빠졌다고 현지언론이 전했다.
26일(현지시간) 미국의 연예뉴스 할리우드닷컴은 클루니와 리우가 최근 뉴욕의 나이트클럽에서 공개데이트를 했고 차량에서 키스를 나누는 장면이 목격됐다고 보도했다.
조지 클루니는 그동안 동료배우 줄리아 로버츠, 르네 젤위거, 영국의 인기아나운서 리사 스노우던과 염문을 뿌렸지만 자신은 독신주의자라고 주장해왔다.
하지만 최근 절친한 친구인 브래드 피타와 안젤리나 졸리와의 사랑을 보고 자신도 “진짜 사랑을 하고 싶다”고 밝힌바 있어 루시 리우와의 사랑에도 많은 관심을 받고 있다.
조지 클루니는 ‘오션스 일레븐’, ‘참을 수 없는 사랑’등 히트영화에 이어 자신이 감독과 극본을 맡은 ‘굿나잇 앤 굿 럭’으로 제 62회 베니스 영화제 경쟁부문에 진출 각본상을 받는 등 성공적 감독과 제작자로 변신을 선보이고 있다.
‘미녀 삼총사’ 시리즈로 국내에 친숙한 루시 리우는 ‘킬빌’시리즈, ‘시카고’등에서 독특한 개성을 선보이며 할리우드 정상의 위치에 오른 몇 안 되는 동양계 배우로 꼽히고 있다.
[열애설이 보도된 조지 클루니와 루시 리우. 사진출처=영화 '오션스 트웰브', '미녀삼총사']

중국 개혁개방이후 중국여성 대다수에 해당하는 가난한 여성은 외국남성에게 매춘하고 가난혹은 가난하지 않은 여성도 외국남성을 백마탄왕자로 보며 대쉬,유혹 하고 있는 현상은 너무나
중국내에 너무 흔하다. 그뿐아니다  엄청난 수의 중국여성이 해마다 외국으로가  외국남성과 결혼하거나 매춘을 하고있다.

Editor’s note: There's a popular saying that "love knows no boundaries", and, perhaps nowhere is this more true than in the Chinese entertainment industry. In recent years, it seems that more and more of China's most famous actresses and singers have favoured foreigners. Just what is it that attracts these famous ladies to foreign men? Is it their money? Their looks? Their personalities? Who knows… The following article was translated and edited from an article on Youth Leader. The article introduces 10 well-known Chinese actresses and singers who have either dated or married foreign men in recent years.
10 Chinese Stars Who Fell in Love with Foreigners
10 Chinese Stars Who Fell in Love with Foreigners
1) Yuan Li (袁莉)
Yuan Li was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on July 12th, 1973. She graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 1992. She has made a name for herself appearing in such films as Never Die Content (永不瞑目), and The Bronze Teeth (???牙???). In recent months, Yuan Li began dating Blaine Grunewald, a former lawyer and CEO of Lehman Bush in Shanghai. On November 30th, 2011, the couple confirmed that they’d gotten married. Of particular interest in this instance of cross-cultural marriage, Blaine Grunewald is an "eighties baby", making Yuan Li nearly a decade his senior.
2) Sun Yanzi / Stefanie Sun (?燕姿)
Sun Yanzi was born in Singapore on July 23rd, 1978. She graduated from the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a degree in marketing, before pursuing a singing career. In 2000 she released her first album, for which she received acclaim and was compared to such distinguished singers as Fay Wong (王菲) and A-Mei (?惠妹). Some of her most popular songs include "The Green Ray" (?光), "Cloudy Day" (天黑黑) and "Magical" (神奇). On May 8th, 2011, Sun Yanzi and Nadim Van Der Ros, her foreign boyfriend of more than five years, held a wedding ceremony in Singapore. Nadim Van Der Ros was born in The Netherlands and currently works in Singapore in marketing and advertising.
10 Chinese Stars Who Fell in Love with Foreigners
3) Li Wen / CoCo Lee (李玟)
CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong on January 17th, 1975. Although she is ethnically Chinese ? her father is Chinese-Indonesian and her mother is Hongkongese-Chinese ? she is technically a U.S. citizen. She graduated from University of California?Irving with an undergraduate degree in biology. CoCo Lee began her singing career in Hong Kong before becoming popular in Taiwan. She has had a string of hit songs in Asia, and is internationally known for performing the song "A Love Before Time" from the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (?虎藏?). On October 28th, 2011, CoCo Lee was married to Bruce Rockowitz, the CEO for Li & Feng Group, atop a luxury hotel in Hong Kong.
4) GiGi Leung (梁?琪)
GiGi Leung was born in Hong Kong on March 25th, 1976. She graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University with an undergraduate degree in design. She was casted for her first movie roles in 1995 (Doctor Mack and Full Throttle), and released her first canto-pop album "Love Myself" in 1996. Since then, she has released more than a dozen albums and starred in over 20 movies. On October 3rd, 2011, GiGi Leung and "Sergio", her Spanish boyfriend of six months, were married in Ibiza, Spain. The two met while she was vacationing alone in Spain.
5) Wei Wei (?唯)
Wei Wei was born in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia on September 28th, 1963. At the age of 14, she first broke into the music business, quickly becoming one of China's most treasured female singers. Two of her most popular songs are "The Dedication of Love’ (?的奉?), which she recorded in 1988, and the duet "Great Asia" (?洲雄?), which she performed with Liu Huan at the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990. Around the same time, Wei Wei married Swedish pianist Michael Smith. The couple had three children together, and was considered to be a "model couple" of a cross-cultural marriage in China. Sadly, the two divorced in 2003. More recently, Wei Wei has been spotted with yet another foreigner, frolicking on the beaches of Sanya.
6) Ning Jing (??)
Ning Jing was born in Guizhou Province on April 27th, 1972. She graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy. Her first big acting break came in 1990, when she starred in the film I'm Ugly, But I'm Gentle and Soft (我?丑,但我??柔). In 1993, Ning Jing began working for Shanghai Film Studio, often playing the role of the "vivacious woman" (花旦) in films. She was given a Hundred Flowers Film Prize for her performance in the film "Red River Valley" (?河谷) in 1997. While filming "Red River Valley", Ning Jing fell in love with her American co-star, Paul Kersey. The two quickly married, and had a child together. However, not long after, a rumour starting going around that Ning Jing married a foreigner, not out of love, but to get back at an ex who had also married a foreigner. These days, Ning Jing and Paul Kersey are still married, although they live in separate countries because "Ning Jing's green card became invalid".
7) Zhang Mi / Mimi (??)
Zhang Mi was born in Heilongjiang on December 26th, 1968. She graduated from the Shenyang Conservatory of Music. She sang with the Chinese Film Symphony Orchestra in 1987 and won the national folk singer competition in 1989. From 1996 to 1999, Zhang Mi travelled around Europe and the United States. In 1998, she met and started dating an American named "Danny". Upon returning to China, people noticed a change in Zhang Mi; that is, she began using her sex appeal to land jobs as the spokesperson for various companies. She also began to re-kindle her singing career and in general, stayed in the public's eye. For one such publicity stunt, Danny, her boyfriend wrote a book entitled "My Sexy Girlfriend: Zhang Mi" (??我的性感女友). Seriously.
8) Zhang Ziyi (章子怡)
Zhang Ziyi was born in Beijing on February 9th, 1979. She graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. She was discovered in 1998 by director Zhang Yimou, who casted her in The Road Home (我的父?母?), which won the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival. Zhang Ziyi starred in Ang Li's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (?虎藏?) in 1999, Hero (英雄) in 2002 and House of Flying Daggers (十面埋伏) in 2004. These days, Zhang Ziyi has become better known for what she does off the screen. In 2007, she began dating Israeli venture capitalist Aviv "Vivi" Nevo. The two were frequently followed by the paparazzi, and their relationship was widely publicised. Sadly, Zhang Ziyi and Vivi called it quits in late 2010, with Zhang Ziyi citing "cultural differences" as the cause for the break up.
10 Chinese Stars Who Fell in Love with Foreigners
9) Ma Yashu / Ya Ya (??舒)
Ma Yashu was born Kunming on March 24th, 1977. Since the age of nine, she attended the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, where she studying the role of the "vivacious woman" (花旦). Her breakthrough performances were a remake of Journey to the West (西游?后?) in 2000 and Swordsman at Large (?十一?) in 2001. Ma Yashu married Nicky Wu, star of the Taiwanese boy band "The Little Tigers" on December 12th, 2006. The two divorced on August 11th, 2009, after the paparazzi snapped photos of Ma Yashu having a "late night love affair" with Australian billionaire James Robert Hayes, a high-level executive of a video game software company. Ma Yashu and James Robert Hayes were married in late June 2010.
10 Chinese Stars Who Fell in Love with Foreigners
10) Zhang Manyu / Maggie Cheung (?曼玉)
Maggie Cheung was born in Hong Kong on September 20th, 1964. After winning second place in a "Miss Hong Kong" beauty pageant, she began a career as an actress. Since 1984, she has appeared in over 70 films, including the Police Story films with Jackie Chan, and In the Mood for Love (花?年?), Hero (英雄) and 2046 with Tong Leung, both of whom she has been rumoured to have been romantically linked to in the past. However, in recent years, it seems that Maggie Cheung has had more of a thing for foreign guys. She married French director Olivier Assayas in 1998 and divorced him in 2002. Since her divorce, Maggie Cheung has been dating German architect Ole Scheeren.

 요약  ( 외국남과 결혼, 인조이 하는 중국여자연예인 목록)
- 장쯔이, 장만옥 , 공리,  손연자, 루시리우, 장백지 , 마야수 .....
- 이제 탕웨이 마져 ............
- 장만옥 첫사랑도  마크김 이라는 한국인 헤어디자이너 
- 한국인이 알만한 중국여자연예인 중에   외국남과 연애 인조이 결혼 안한건 아마 왕조현 뿐임
- 김염이라는 중국의 수십년전 유명 남자배우가 있는데 이사람  한국인출신임 ,  이 사람도 당대 최고여배우랑 결혼
이젠    유역비 마져 추가 ...........   판빙빙 은  서양남이랑 사귄다는데  이건 확실치 않음 
중국 가난한 일반여자들  수천만은  외국남과  성매매 인조이하고 있고
중국 상해 광동성급  상류층 여자들은 백인남 
그리고 연예인들은 부자 외국이들과 결혼하거나 연예하는 것 같네요

출처 : 해외 네티즌 반응 - 가생이닷컴https://www.gasengi.com

가생이닷컴 운영원칙
알림:공격적인 댓글이나 욕설, 인종차별적인 글, 무분별한 특정국가 비난글등 절대 삼가 바랍니다.
비좀와라 15-08-06 18:54
공자의 직계후손 우리로 치면 종가집 정도의 마지막 후손이 여성이고 백인과 결혼 한 걸로 알고 있습니다.

그럼 공자는 백인의 조상인가? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
mymiky 15-08-06 18:58
소스 좀..

공자 종가집의 마지막 후손이 여자라고요?
첨 듣는 이야긴데;;
그 집안 아직 남계가 안 끊어졌을껀데요?
지금 직계는 대만에 있음. 장개석이 데려가서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
mymiky 15-08-06 18:56
장쯔이는 비비네보란 백인이랑 헤어지고, 지금은 중국인 남친 사귀고 있음.
판빙빙도 같은 배우 동료랑 사귀는 중이고..

걍. 누굴 만나든 자기 맘..
경영O근혜 15-08-06 22:24
누굴 만나 뭔짓을 하든 개인 맘이겠지만, 자국 여성이 외국 남성들의 노리개나 마누라 되는걸 긍정적 현상으로
바라보는 사람은 별로 없죠...
골룸옵퐈 15-08-06 23:54
중국인들 특히 민족주의자들은 자국 탑여배우가 이혼 경력이 있는 한국인 감독과 결혼하고, 이번에 또 유역비가 한국인 배우와 교제하는걸 바라보면서 여러가지 복잡한 심경들이 있을겁니다.. 맨날 인터넷에서 빵즈 빵즈 거리면서 한국을 소국이라 조롱하지만 보이지 않는 인종간의 격차 같은게 분명 느껴지겠죠.
스타즈 15-08-07 01:16
섬나라보단 반감이 덜하니 ㅎㅎ
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